Monday, September 30, 2013


"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
— Mother Teresa
You guys have no idea how many quotes/saying I want to share with you in this post.......but I don't want to bombard you all at once so this one will be my starter.
My name is TinaMarie, or just Tina, and I am very excited to be apart of this adventure with these 4 other beautiful girls. A little back info on myself, I was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta and three weeks later I was adopted by my amazing, beautiful, wonderful, God-appointed parents. I have lived in the same town pretty much my who life, I believe we moved here before I had even turned one. Same church too ;)
I love the area, couldn't imagine living anywhere else unless God moves, and am so blessed to be living here with my wonderful husband of 10 and a half years and two beautiful little girls, Eva 6 and Ally(Alexis) 4.
I am doing what I have always dreamed of doing, being a stay at home mom/wife for my family and I thank God that he has blessed us to be able to live this way.
I have a passion to share with other girls/ladies/moms/ get the picture.....their worth. I believe that too many of us have been crushed, broken down and defeated but I want to uplift, encourage and share hope. We are not worthless, we are not ugly, we are not unlovable.....we are beautiful, intelligent, loved women and I am sick of the world saying otherwise!!!
I hope through our blogging and vlogging(YouTube) we can reach you. We don't claim to be the end all be all or know it all but through our experiences and our opinions that we have formed over the years we are hoping to get you thinking and searching. There are five of us that have started this adventure together, five very different paths that have been taken to get to this point so five different points of view and opinions for you to hear. It's gonna be fun and I hope that you join with us on this adventure.
Xo TinaMarie
OK, one more quote....
"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." 
— Mother Teresa

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"I have loved you with an EVERLASTING love"

Hello friends! Wow, my heart is so passionate about you! Yup you. And you’re right, I may not know you well, but man, you live inside my heart. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Ashley. My life began out East, but my present story is here in Alberta… And I love it.
                I want you to know that the girls you have already met, Christy, Chantelle and Charlene as well as Tina who you will meet in due time are amazing ladies. They have amazing incredible hearts that are first of all passionate about God and passionate about you. They have laid their hearts out to you, shared their dreams and their gifts. I’ve often asked God what my gift is…what I am called to do. And you know what….God has showed me. Are you ready for it… I am a sap, I LOVE love.  I am one of those people who love a good love story, it gets me every single time. I live by my heart, and as painful and amazing as that can be, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I love those timeless love stories, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and the Notebook. All of them. But the timeless love story that I love the most is the GREATEST love story of all time. The one that God is writing with me.
                God said in Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness”. Did you know God is absolutely smitten with you? He knows every single thing about you, the great stuff, the not so great stuff, and absolutely everything in between. And you know what? Even knowing all that He knows He is desperate for you. He created you, and He is amazed by you. And you know what? You take God’s breath away. You are His masterpiece, His most glorious creation. Read Psalm 139.
                My prayer for you, and for me is that we would become absolutely wrecked by God’s amazing love for us. You may not know God well, you may even be angry with Him, or feel disappointed in Him, but He loves you, has always loved you and will never stop loving you. I want you to know that I am praying for you. You did not come to this blog by happenstance or chance. It was pre-appointed and pre-destined because God loves you and He has great desires in His heart for you. He longs to take you on a journey in the greatest love story ever told. You ARE His princess/prince, you ARE exquisite and beautiful NO MATTER what anyone, including yourself has said over you. YOU are so worthy.
                I want you to know that I am partnering with you on this journey called life. God has great hopes, dreams and plans for your lives if you will open up your heart to Him. He longs to take you places you could only dream of. He longs to change your heart, my heart, and to consume us with an everlasting love.
                From my heart to yours,

Creative Dreamer is my middle name!!!

Hello beautiful friend, yes…you, our beautiful friend.  If you’ve come across this blog then I am sure of two things, you are beautiful and you are most definitely now our friend.   Let me begin by introducing myself.
My name is christy dawn, I was born in the border city(aka, lloydminster) and then lived in various locations across alberta, until ultimately landing in central alberta.   I’ve always been passionate to create and have always been a dreamer.  Art & English were my favorite subjects and given the chance in any area to show a smidge of creativity I would jump at the chance.  And dreams, aaaaah, I loved to dream.  About the impossible, about the plans I wanted for my life and all the creativity I could whip up.  I used to chop up my clothes, write pages and pages of poetry and draw on my walls. My most proudest creation was a giant lion laying proudly with his head cocked as if waiting to devour me every time I entered my room, but at the same time with gentle eyes, telling me I was safe and that he’d likely just laze around and leave me alone.
My youth passed by with ups and what seemed like a lot of downs, but I always held onto the creativity and the dreaming.  And thankfully God, like the wonderful God He is continued to walk before me, behind me and held me closely as I fumbled about.  Now into my adult life, I have honed the creativity and dreams.  I dream about what God is planning, I dream about becoming the person He is molding me to be, I want see His dreams spring forth in my life.  I dream of being even a little bit as creative as my Creator.  I mean have you looked around and seen how artistic The Artist is?!?!  Have you seen how the leaves change into these burnt bright colors and how the snow lays like a big fluffy blanket glistening like a million suns on the ground.  Or what about those 10,000 plus foot rocks that tower about the earth, or the way the waves sing across the face of the sand they’ve come to kiss.  Or most of all have you looked into the mirror, a reflection of your Creator.  WOW, right?!?!
I’ve created keys for chantelle and charlene to take along on their adventure. Keys as a symbol that your life can be set apart and lived out in the heart of your Creator.  A reminder to take with you, so you know that we love you, each and every single beautiful you, and that God can take your life and transform it into the most wonderful masterpiece He’s ever created.  You are His masterpiece, His special one, His beloved, and He’s an artist and dreamer, just looking to hang out with his creation and whisper His dreams into your life.
I am thankful you’ve come here to be part of this journey.  I am thankful that I am part of it too.  I pray/hope that as chantelle and charlene travel speaking God’s truth, hearts will begin dreaming and creating again.   That lives would begin to be transformed in men/women. That they would rise up to show the world just how beautiful life is when you are creating with and dreaming with the one who created it and you!!!
Much love,
Christy Creative Dreamer Dawn ♥

Introducing Chantelle and Charlene or #chartelle!

Mother Teresa challenged us to shift our perspective and grasp that “poverty isn’t only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.” What do our homes look like today? Consequently, they resemble such poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for within the dynamics of the platonic family.

Some children dream of becoming teachers, astronomers, and doctors.  Yet as a child Chantelle dreamed of revival and restoring the nation by the transformational love of Jesus Christ. She grew up and attended Vanguard College. It enabled her to pursue her passion for revival of those left damaged and restoration of the broken-hearted.  She discovered such a need within young children. As a result, she co-founded a non-profit organization called “Makaway Kids Kamp” where underprivileged children experience a free five day summer camp held at Sunnyside Christian Retreat Centre. Her dream launched her into a season of appearing on The Bachelor Canada in 2012, as she was a bachelorette of God’s light for the nation.  Thus, granting further opportunities to speak and initiate revival to her community, to the nation, and to the world!

Some children dream of becoming farmers, pilots, and professional athletes. Yet as a child Charlene dreamed of changing the world by becoming a motivational speaker. It was a dream that she put on hold. She grew up and became a nurse, who inspired her patients to not be defined by their condition, such as a stroke, spinal cord injury, or traumatic brain injury. She instructed them to embrace their dreams. A patient once asked, “have you ever thought of being a motivational speaker?” Her natural response was a laugh and a positive nod of her head. Recently, she took a four month leave of absence from nursing to join Chantelle and pursue her dream of speaking. Her deepest desire is to speak scriptural truth and to inspire people to live out their lives boldly with great expectations of what God can do!

Isaiah 61:1-2 outlines the direction for both Chantelle and Charlene, since “the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn. “ Sunnyside Christian Retreat Center has commissioned Chantelle and Charlene to promote camp ministry and Transformation Textiles.  They are eager to speak to various communities, schools, churches, and other organizations across Canada and change the world by speaking truth into the lives of those who have felt unwanted or unloved. 

Will you join us?

Please follow us in this new journey of living out truth, as we travel and speak! 

 Remember those days when your mom took your photo on the first day of kindergarten? Here is our “first” day of officially speaking! #chartelle