"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
— Mother Teresa
— Mother Teresa
You guys have no idea how many quotes/saying I want to share with you in this post.......but I don't want to bombard you all at once so this one will be my starter.
My name is TinaMarie, or just Tina, and I am very excited to be apart of this adventure with these 4 other beautiful girls. A little back info on myself, I was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta and three weeks later I was adopted by my amazing, beautiful, wonderful, God-appointed parents. I have lived in the same town pretty much my who life, I believe we moved here before I had even turned one. Same church too ;)
I love the area, couldn't imagine living anywhere else unless God moves, and am so blessed to be living here with my wonderful husband of 10 and a half years and two beautiful little girls, Eva 6 and Ally(Alexis) 4.
I am doing what I have always dreamed of doing, being a stay at home mom/wife for my family and I thank God that he has blessed us to be able to live this way.
I have a passion to share with other girls/ladies/moms/teenagers....you get the picture.....their worth. I believe that too many of us have been crushed, broken down and defeated but I want to uplift, encourage and share hope. We are not worthless, we are not ugly, we are not unlovable.....we are beautiful, intelligent, loved women and I am sick of the world saying otherwise!!!
I hope through our blogging and vlogging(YouTube) we can reach you. We don't claim to be the end all be all or know it all but through our experiences and our opinions that we have formed over the years we are hoping to get you thinking and searching. There are five of us that have started this adventure together, five very different paths that have been taken to get to this point so five different points of view and opinions for you to hear. It's gonna be fun and I hope that you join with us on this adventure.
Xo TinaMarie
"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly
where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts
that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this
knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to
sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."
— Mother Teresa