Sunday, September 29, 2013

Creative Dreamer is my middle name!!!

Hello beautiful friend, yes…you, our beautiful friend.  If you’ve come across this blog then I am sure of two things, you are beautiful and you are most definitely now our friend.   Let me begin by introducing myself.
My name is christy dawn, I was born in the border city(aka, lloydminster) and then lived in various locations across alberta, until ultimately landing in central alberta.   I’ve always been passionate to create and have always been a dreamer.  Art & English were my favorite subjects and given the chance in any area to show a smidge of creativity I would jump at the chance.  And dreams, aaaaah, I loved to dream.  About the impossible, about the plans I wanted for my life and all the creativity I could whip up.  I used to chop up my clothes, write pages and pages of poetry and draw on my walls. My most proudest creation was a giant lion laying proudly with his head cocked as if waiting to devour me every time I entered my room, but at the same time with gentle eyes, telling me I was safe and that he’d likely just laze around and leave me alone.
My youth passed by with ups and what seemed like a lot of downs, but I always held onto the creativity and the dreaming.  And thankfully God, like the wonderful God He is continued to walk before me, behind me and held me closely as I fumbled about.  Now into my adult life, I have honed the creativity and dreams.  I dream about what God is planning, I dream about becoming the person He is molding me to be, I want see His dreams spring forth in my life.  I dream of being even a little bit as creative as my Creator.  I mean have you looked around and seen how artistic The Artist is?!?!  Have you seen how the leaves change into these burnt bright colors and how the snow lays like a big fluffy blanket glistening like a million suns on the ground.  Or what about those 10,000 plus foot rocks that tower about the earth, or the way the waves sing across the face of the sand they’ve come to kiss.  Or most of all have you looked into the mirror, a reflection of your Creator.  WOW, right?!?!
I’ve created keys for chantelle and charlene to take along on their adventure. Keys as a symbol that your life can be set apart and lived out in the heart of your Creator.  A reminder to take with you, so you know that we love you, each and every single beautiful you, and that God can take your life and transform it into the most wonderful masterpiece He’s ever created.  You are His masterpiece, His special one, His beloved, and He’s an artist and dreamer, just looking to hang out with his creation and whisper His dreams into your life.
I am thankful you’ve come here to be part of this journey.  I am thankful that I am part of it too.  I pray/hope that as chantelle and charlene travel speaking God’s truth, hearts will begin dreaming and creating again.   That lives would begin to be transformed in men/women. That they would rise up to show the world just how beautiful life is when you are creating with and dreaming with the one who created it and you!!!
Much love,
Christy Creative Dreamer Dawn ♥

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