Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What We're Listening To Wednesday - Rejoice and Lament

I find myself drawn to this song for a few reasons. 

#1.  It is like poetry...and I love poetry ;)
#2.  I like the word lament.  I sort of knew what it meant and being the nerd that I can be sometimes, I love looking up words and their definition.  This is what I got: 

la·ment: to express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness about something

#3.  There is a time/season to feel out your feelings.  You're allowed to feel.  Just don't get stuck and dwell on your feelings.  Move through the process, you can still thrive through the process of pain, hurt, sadness...just make sure you continue to move and push forward.  

#4.  When the season of lamenting is done...REJOICE.  

Don't forget that through the lamenting, you can still have peace, joy and love.  If you are walking through a season of lamenting, lean on God, trust in Him, continue to ask Him for the best, continue to hope, believe, and dream.  Let your suffering produce deeper roots in Him, let your sadness/hurt from the past catapult you towards a bright future.  God's hand will never stop moving in your life if you allow it, He will continue to bless you even in your time of lamenting and when you look back, you will see that those feelings, each and every single one of you to where you are today.  

Rejoicing with you, 

Christy Creative Dreamer Dawn

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