Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#100 Dreams.

 #1: Travel the world
#2: Build a cabin or retreat centre
#13: Establish a scholarship fund
#32: Witness healing (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
#47: Write a song
#50: Own my own business (photography)
#58: Be the author at my own book-signing event!
#76: Ride in a helium balloon and helicopter
#89: Seizure free forever!

I’ve always loved to dream; yet I didn’t always believe.

For example, I’ve always had a dream to write.  Hence, I’d spend hours crafting my essays because countless teachers pleasantly informed me, “you’re an awful writer.” I don’t know what was worse: those words or the low score in red ink? I’d return home and my mom would gently remind me, “Charlene, see beauty in broken dreams…” Not necessarily what you want to hear post your dream to write is verbally and visually shattered. Ironically, a college professor approached me with tears in his eyes post reading an essay I wrote and boldly blurted, “Charlene you NEED to write…”

Have you ever considered your NEED to dream?  Truthfully, my favorite question to ask is: what’s your dream(s)? Because I believe that dreams are those deep, really deep, unspoken desires that you sadly keep hidden.

I put my dream of writing on hold for a specific season. In that period of time, God softened me and I came to accept that specific dreams would come true in his perfect timing. I had to stop orchestrating or even dictating my time on earth, which broke off my desire to control or perfect the outcome of my dreams. Instead, God reminded me that fear was standing in the way of me walking into the fullness of my dreams. He told me time and time again, “Oh Charlene, don’t be afraid! Dream big!”

A friend once told me, “Charlene, write a list of one hundred dreams!” I quickly interupted in a sarcastic tone, “I don’t write lists, anymore.” He continued, “Write a list of twenty-five dreams, another twenty-five dreams, and than another twenty-five dreams. Finally, write twenty-five dreams that are only possible with God. ” I drove home and attempted to generate such a list. Honestly, I mumbled, “this is silly…I can’t do this…its impossible!” Ironically, wasn’t that the point?

To dream the impossible…

A few days later he reminded me with such wisdom, “Charlene, writing things down gives words power. There is power in your dreams!” Those specific words granted me the ability to believe again.

Surprise, I jotted down over one hundred dreams!

Could you write such a list of dreams?

I want to challenge you to repeat this exercise of listing your dreams. May your dreams hold power and believe that God will make even the impossible dreams truly possible!

So, dream big…


#100: Dream the impossible is possible with God!


  1. thanks charlene!
    you've got me thinking xxx's

  2. thank-you for sharing afew of your dreams...they are beautiful!!!!
    God Bless!
