Sunday, December 8, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be?

It's those simple moments in life that I cherish beyond words. Probably why I love photography, as each photo captures an unexplainable moment.

A moment of joy.
A moment of victory.
A moment of surprise!

Today, I had one of those moments.

I recall as a little girl being apart of set design, stage construction, and costume fabrication. My dad would always ask in a Shakespeare like tone,  "Charlene, to be or not to be?"

Be an actor.
Be a dreamer.
Be an adventitious spirit.

He’d softly whisper in my ear, “be such things my child...just BE!” And like any young child, I just wanted to BE like my dad.

Post his accident, I recall that life changed significantly due to the tragedy. Consequently, it tainted my dream to be like him.

I've always been told when I am on stage, "Charlene your just like your come alive!"

Today, I came alive once again and restored a dream once broken. If my father had been sitting in the audience, I can assure you he'd be crying as any proud father would. Instead, I stepped off the stage and I cried. Because today, I chose to BE like my dad and fulfill a dream.

Furthermore, I have a Heavenly Father, who I know watched the pageant with such delight. God clearly asks that we BE like him. "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children" (Ephesians 5:1 ESV).  He designed us to display his very attributes, such as to love deeply, give generously, create passionately, and serve freely!

Restoration of a childhood dream is one of those unexplainable moments in life. Those simple moments where you have a choice: to be or not to be?

I chose to BE!

Be a dreamer.
Be a photographer.
Be a speaker.
Be a writer.
Be a friend.
Be a daughter.
Be a sister.
Be a wife and mother one day...

I can BE all these things, as I choose to imitate God.

What will you BE?


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