Sunday, October 26, 2014

Race Unraveled.


It means to undo. A basic word to describe a desire to investigate, solve, and explain. 

"We plot, we plan, we assume things are going to go a certain way and then they don't and we find ourselves in a new place, a place we haven't been before, a place we never would have imagined on our own. And it was difficult and unexpected and maybe even tragic and yet it opened us up and freed us from the past to see things in a whole new way. Suffering does that…it hurts…but it also creates. How many of the most significant moments in life came not because it all went right, but because it all fell apart? It's strange how there can be art in the agony" (Bell). 

I've said in this year, "the best is yet to come…." 

I'll admit, I haven't always experienced the best. Though, I can acknowledge I've seen pieces and mere fragments of the best in this year. Truthfully, the best has unraveled in ways I didn't anticipate or expect. 

Ironically, my own line of "the best is yet to come" has left me discouraged, even hurt. Then I am reminded that maybe, just maybe, the "best" isn't about me. I've always loved sports and being active, which generated a competitive spirit that would push me to achieve a personal best. Because, the moment I'd cross the finish line, the victory oozing from my being, it was worth it. The victory out weighed the months of training, the thoughts of giving up, and the questions that doubted if it was possible…

And then I stumbled across something I wrote when I was nineteen…

"For so long I have been on this marathon, as each stride I take I run away from a relationship with my father…. Recently in my brokeness, I've run away from a boy who loved me. He had been someone said to be the best and even perfect for me, yet for some reason our strides were never in step with each other. After letting go of him, I ran even harder. I was in peak physical shape and I was convinced that I wouldn't slow down. My broken heart created enough will power to endure countless hills, lengthy valleys, and even weary meanders. Then one of the bystanders from the crowd caught me off guard, as his bold voice yelled, "I AM HERE. I HAVE NEVER LEFT." He continued to explain how he had watched the duration of my marathon, the high and low points of my race. He had been faithful to watch and cheer.  His presence was something I'd never felt before. Then he promised with such declaration, "I SHALL PROVIDE." He reminded me to be patient in endurance and granted such hope to push towards the finish line.  So, I invited my Heavenly Father to run with me and he transformed my stride...." 

Life will unravel... 

But are you inviting those who want the "best" for you to be apart? It isn't about me. It's actually about you…God created us to unravel in his presence. Because he is HERE, he is in the BEST, and even in the BETTER.

So, these are my final questions that I invite you to ask with me.  What if, I just would steady my heart? What if, I just lived life from a place of peace, allowed life to unravel, as I experience the best without personal effort? What if, I just let God reveal his best and eliminate my perception of the best? 

Those questions encompass what I am choosing to do…

For I cannot see what is in front of me, yet I will choose to have a steady heart and peaceful mind that keeps on going; keeps on loving; keeps on forgiving; and keeps on believing…


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Years Unraveling


A year that I was first introduced to camp and only a few months old with a head full of blonde curls.


A year that God revealed the call of obedience and the journey unravelled. I've never been the same. At the time, I told him as I flew over the Rocky Mountains, "I will return to Alberta for restoration.” Then I murmured under my breath, “and I will only do camp ministry if it involves a lake."


A year that challenged me to return to camp ministry, the blonde curls now much longer, yet the passion arose! Ironically, it involved a beautiful lake. The dreams for Makaway exploded...


A year that I questioned as I traveled through the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, "why am I leaving BC (home)?"  Only one reason came to mind, Makaway. 

I returned to Alberta and pulled up a chair, as I inched myself closer to the oak frame of my kitchen table.  I sat and begin to write out the questions I’ve wrested with, the thoughts I’ve twisted in my brain, and the fragments of unknown that I’ve lacked clarity and understanding.  Oddly, I stumbled across a quote by Bill Johnson, “you cannot hold God hostage to your questions. He doesn’t owe you an answer. If you want the peace that passes understanding, you’re going to have to give up your right to understanding. It’s called trust.”

In 2012, I never thought I’d be apart of Makaway, yet in a season of obedience I began to trust there was an actual reason why I returned to Alberta. I haven’t always understood, yet I’ve trusted that “there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind” (C.S. Lewis).

In 2014, I marvel at my Makaway family. Because you are a very large piece of the “better” that has been woven in the unknown fragments of living in Alberta. As a result, I eagerly look forward to celebrating this thanksgiving season with you.

So, this year it will be held at Bentley Community Church on October 13th.  We will be hosting a fall festival and clothing giveaway at 4pm with a free thanksgiving dinner at 5:30pm. Please RVSP to, as we truly look forward to having you join us at the table!

Be blessed,

{The Makaway Team}

Friday, September 5, 2014

21: Impossible vs. Possible.

Almost a year ago, I ran a race.  I didn’t train, yet I knew I could run. My upper body strength was non-existent and twenty-one obstacles seemed rather impossible.  My friend reminded me, “we will look back on this day and remind ourselves if completing the Spartan race is possible than _______________________ is possible.”  I crossed the finish line and truthfully you couldn’t wipe that smile off my face.

Post my accident, I had twenty-one physiotherapy appointments to complete. My summer plans of swimming, hiking, and wakeboarding were quickly replaced by hours of physiotherapy and daily exercises. It seemed impossible that the pain of whiplash would disappear from my shoulders and neck. Then I broke my ankle. Suddenly, pain seemed secondary. I realized I could dwell on the impossibility or see the possibility in getting better.  So, what was possible?

I went slip and sliding with an aircast.
I played volleyball with an aircast.
I went tubing down the river with an aircast.
I played ultimate frisbee with an aircast.
I even went biking with an air cast.

At the time, I was told lines such as “your crazy” or “stop being stupid” or “you’ll make it worse.” I can acknowledge the validity to those words, yet what those statements lacked was the hope of possibility. I did such things because I was determined to make it possible!

It’s a miracle that I am alive post hitting 2000 pounds of flesh and fur, so wouldn’t I see the possibility in life?  I discovered that often discouragement is oddly woven with hope. That impossibility is often possible. 


A phase I’ve often stated, “use your words.” Recently, I’ve considered that maybe I need to say, “use your words to grant POSSIBILITY.”  I’ve taken a new job as an adolescent psychiatric nurse.  As I admit children to the unit, I am often amazed at the harsh words spoken over them that has caused such discord and resulted in harmful behavior and even suicidal attempts. I admitted a boy the other day, as he asked, “why the cast?” I chose to use it as an illustration of why we all need to accept help and healing. For example, mine might be physical, yet mental health is just as significant in the healing process.  His response startled me, “people often tell you that you can’t in life, but they don’t know what you can…” Such wisdom from an eleven year old, since he, like countless others, has been told all his life “you can’t do this, you can’t do that, you can’t….” Those phrases have granted disappointment. Instead, what if someone told him, “you can or it’s possible!” A phase of possibility highlights that you can get better, you can accept help, and you can use your words appropriately.
The pivotal factor between hope and disappointment and between what seems impossible and what is possible has been changing my thought patterns. It requires that I remove three little letters, n-o-t, and simply state, “I can.”  Furthermore, be bold and blunt by stating, “__________is possible.”
This Sunday, I will run a race. I am highly underprepared. I will be running twenty-one kilometers with a recent broken ankle. Furthermore, I will be against impossible and extremely muddy obstacles, which will require intense shoulder strength. Then I am reminded that the Spartan race was possible, so Tough Mudder is also possible. I look forward to crossing the finish line with my teammates and smiling from ear to ear because it was possible! 


P.S. I’ll probably even do a victory dance, as I celebrate possibility!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It is an odd feeling...

One moment, a sudden second, and death knocked. It knocked, more like crashed, in the form of a massive moose. 

On screen of the accident was a buzz and murmur that repeatedly stated, "she should not be alive." Truthfully, I shouldn't. But somehow, I am.

Some would say, "it's just luck!" Or others would highlight, "wasn't your time..." But in a state of shock upon a spine board with a neck brace, I stammered, "how can you not believe?" 

I believe it is a miracle I am alive. 
I believe I was protected. 
I believe that I am beyond lucky; rather I am privileged and blessed!  
I believe life has purpose. 
I believe this will teach me more about the character of God.  
I believe that it’s okay to not fully understand why it happened…

Why does it take death knocking to suddenly believe? Ironically, I think we have forgotten to believe in each day…

Today, I lay upon the physio bed with the laser paddles upon my neck and softly say under my breath, "the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me to paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (Psalm 23:1-4). The physiotherapist returns and stammers, "It will be a process of time, yet remember your alive!" 

So today, I believe in recovery!
  • Believe for miracles!
  • Believe for healing!
  • Believe for restoration!
  • Believe for hope! 
  • Believe for possibility! 
  • Believe for dreams! 

What are you choosing to believe today?

I believe,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Keep Calm and Carry On

I never liked this quote to be honest.

It annoyed me.  I think mostly because it became such a trending quote.  On everyone's pinterests, bumper stickers and pendants from here to tim-buk-tu.

I read a blogpost a few days ago, the topic was mantras.  What is a mantra you may be asking yourself?
It is: an often repeated word, formula, or phrase, often a truism(a self-evident, obvious truth)
I don't remember what else the blog said, but what did catch my attention was that it asked the reader to find a mantra for themselves.

For whatever reason keep calm and carry on was what came to mind.
I found it bizarre that this was the phrase that leapt forward into my mind.  Like it had been sheepishly hiding itself just waiting for this exact moment to spring forth with excitement that I was looking for just the right words to say to myself.

Keep calm and carry on.
Keep calm and carry on.
Keep calm and carry on.

Have peace and self control.  Be humble and gentle.  Be patient.  Stop for a moment.  Breathe.  Don't rest on this.  Don't overthink this.  Don't be irrational.  Let go.  Move along.  Carry on.
All these words and phrases sum up this little phrase I'd for so long despised.  Yet after repeating it, over and over, I realized how much this phrase could and did mean to me.

I long to live my life with peace and self control.  To walk every day, every moment in the fruits of the spirit. I don't want to become irrational in any situation, I don't want to be stuck in a moment of anger or frustration.  I want to be humble and gentle.  Soft spoken and loving with my words and my thoughts.  I want to breathe in and take a moment to gain clarity in a situation.  I want to be discerning, I want the Holy Spirit to lead.  I want to let go of the negativity that so wants to creep it's ugly way in and take over. I want to keep calm and carry on.

I find myself repeating this little phrase now.  Even when I'm not in a situation that needs it's use.  I think in doing this I am setting myself up for a more than likely positive situation next time I find myself in a negative situation.  I am already creating a habit.  I am already walking in that peace, self control, humbleness, gentless, kindness, love and power.  So when I come head on with a situation that I might have otherwise reacted to in not such a lovely manner, I think I'll already be walking into this situation with a calm to just carry on :)

Do you have a mantra?

I challenge you to find one today.  It could be a word, a phrase, a bible verse.

Maybe you need it to remind yourself you are significant and beautiful.
Maybe you need it to walk with bravery and courage.
Or maybe like me you just want to have more peace and self control in every day situations.

I have a few words and phrases that I like to say to myself.  You can have as many as you'd like/need.
If you're not sure where to begin...Ask God to show you.  He will :)

Love and blessings,

Christy Creative Dreamer Dawn

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What We're Listening To Wednesday - Jesus Culture Leadership Podcasts

I recently found and began listening to Jesus Culture's Leadership Podcasts on my iphone podcast app.  It's been eye opening(or rather ear opening), challenging and I've been learning a lot about what being a leader looks like for myself now and even for what I'd hope to look like as a leader in the future.  It's not just for the cliched "leader", we are all leaders in one way or another.  Whether a pastor leading his congregation, a leader of a country, or a leader of the home, we lead everyday, if even in the most minute of ways.  I'd really like to encourage you to listen to these podcasts.  They have bonus features such as: book recommendations, music and even a little sports section...yet it is the featured topic that is worth a listen for sure.  If you don't have an iphone to download the app, go check out this website and take a listen.


Mystery Of Looking Up!

Have you ever driven late at night and looked out your windshield and counted the stars? Or pulled over and hunted for the North Star to guide you in the black abyss of the night?

When I was a child, I had the privilege of re-creating the Milky Way upon my ceiling with blue sticky tack and plastic glow in the dark stars. Often, I couldn’t fall asleep and I’d create shapes, especially triangles, and would connect each star together. The years have past, yet I still connect the stars at night like dots upon a mountain cliff or roof terrace. 

Why do I love the stars?

It’s a mystery…

Approximately, 100 thousand million stars are estimated to exist by scientists, yet the exact number of stars is left unknown.  Recently, Coldplay crafted a song called, “A Sky Full of Stars," as the lyrics echo in my mind. Furthermore, God declares unto Abraham that he will have descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5)!

Oh the mystery...

Truthfully, I love the stars because I am reminded of the mysteries of life.  At the age of sixteen, I made a promise, “I want to find a boy who likes making diamonds in the sky.”  I haven’t found him. Instead, I have found countless people to explore the mysteries of life with. It's in those unknown and uncharted portions of life with those I love, I have witnessed such healing and restoration, such meaning and revelation, and such understanding and celebration!  

Life is a mystery of stories...

It's a process of understanding the mystery, as each verbalized story is like connecting one star to another.  I sometimes look up at the sky and marvel at all stories that are left untold. If each star resembles a person, then why do we feel so disconnected in our world? I believe that no human being is alone in the galaxy of life and no story should be left untold. Instead, the mystery of our stories collides in the sky like a massive meteor shower. 

I look at the stars tonight...

Those unexplainable mysteries of life...

And another story left untold...

As a result, I am calling all fellow star watchers to have the confidence to share a mere piece of your story as a point of connection to another human being. Don't let the mystery hinder the healing and restoration, meaning and revelation, and understanding and celebration!  


P.s. In addition, God continues to remind me to look up and he will grant the desires of my heart like the million of stars that dot the sky. So, don't forget to look up at the stars tonight, ok?