Saturday, February 8, 2014

Take A Step

I'm feeling a stirring in my spirit, an excitement, anticipation, for what...I'm not quite sure.
My desire is to follow where He leads.
To trust in His plans no questions asked.
Why then do I question? Why do I hesitate and hold back? What am I doing!?!?
His ways are perfect(Psalm 18:30) and mine......are not.

I believe that living by faith, while hard, is absolutely necessary.
So what are we doing? How are we building up our faith? Are we responding to the voice of God and stepping out of our comfort zones? No, well, why not....are we afraid? Afraid that He won't be there to guide us, to speak through us, to use us. Are we afraid to take that step of faith because it might not actually be Him speaking to us. There are so many things that cause us to shrink back and be afraid but still God calls, draws you in, speaks. To increase your faith you must decrease, decrease your doubts, decrease your fear, decrease your emotions and begin taking some of those small steps. That is how your faith will increase. A wise person once told me "so what if you mess up" learn from it and keep going. I want to encourage all of you to take a step of faith and if you think you are all alone in the difficulty of taking that step, you're not. We all struggle with faith in one area or another. You may be struggling with hearing Gods voice or trusting in His plan......I struggle with a fear of prophesying in church and it not being from God. Thankfully, my faith in Him and my desire to follow enables me to try. Every small step/victory strengthens my trust in Him and His guidance and direction for my life.  Don't be so afraid or worried that you loose out
                                                                     on the amazing adventure God has for you!
 Take a me, it's worth it.

*quote is taken from the song Oceans(Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsongs. I was listening to it on repeat while editing and posting this blog.....LOVE that song!

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