What do you fear?
Some of the greatest fears include spiders, clowns,
public speaking, intimacy, rejection, small spaces.
Growing up as a little girl, I had an unusual fear of bears!
Maybe it was because I grew up near the Rocky Mountains or because my mom would
read to me bear attack stories from National Geographic magazine on our camping
When I got older, my fears began to shift to more common
fears. Such as: fear of public speaking in front of my grade 7 class, fear of my
first kiss, fear that I would be a failure at sports or academics in high school,
and fear that I wouldn’t be accepted in my first year of college. The fact is I
will encounter fear periodically in my lifetime.
Fear is a normal physical reaction, since your body was
created with a "fight or flight" response when encountering
potentially threatening situations. Fear was never created to be a consistent
response for your body. Your body
cannot physically survive in a continuous state of "fight or
fight". Yet, if you take a look
around, you see that people every day are living in a constant state of fear.
Humanity was not created to live our lives on a foundation
of FEAR but FAITH.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1).
Faith requires you to believe beyond your current
circumstances. To have HOPE even when you are faced with what seems impossible.
Take a moment, reflect and ask yourself: what is my
Do you base your decisions in life out of fear?
- fear of failure
- fear of rejection
- fear of intimacy
-fear of sickness
-fear is death
-fear of never measuring up
- fear of what others may think or say
Are you living a life that is built on a foundation of
The bible says, "there is no fear in love. For
perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18).
God is love. God loved the world so much that He sent his
son Jesus to pay the ultimate sacrifice and to die on a cross for the
"sins" (wrongs) that you and I have done. You may not be perfect due
to sin, yet Jesus made a way that you may have an intimate relationship with a
loving, holy God through his death and resurrection on the cross.
Did you understand that?
God is love. When you encounter the love of God, you no
longer have to live in fear. The truth is that you are loved. You are called a
son/daughter. You are not rejected, rather fully accepted. You are worthy. You are protected. You are
not ever alone, since God is with you.
Faith in Jesus grants freedom from fear and enables a
relationship with a Loving Heavenly Father. Jesus is the only one who can set
you free of the bondages of fear, which is holding you back from living the
life that you are created to live!!!
My challenge to you today:
Take 5, 10, 15mins and just sit. Surrender your fear to
The Lord. Name whatever it is that you maybe fearing and give it to God.
Wait in
stillness and quietness.......
your thoughts and open up your heart. .....
Allow God to fill your heart with his love, peace, truth and freedom.
Scripture to mediate on: "God is our refuge and
strength an ever present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear. Be still and know that I am God" (Psalms
Blessings Chantelle
good word, chanty! thanks for the challenge & truth!