Friday, December 27, 2013


Friday, December 20, 2013

God Has Not!!!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.(2 Tim 1:7)NKJV

This is probably the first verse that comes to my mind when thinking of fear or being afraid.
"God Has not!!!" so powerful but do we actually believe it, have it ingrained in our heads and in our hearts.
When something rocks you to the core are you firm in your faith...are you firm in your Heavenly Father?
I am and I would love to hear the same from each and everyone of you.
Am I saying that I am never ever ever afraid!?!
No, that's not what I'm saying because it would be a lie.
What I am saying is my hope, my trust, my faith is built on nothing less then Jesus blood and righteousness.
Did you see that....see how I put a song in there :) That's one of my favorite Hymns but now I'm just getting distracted.
I have moments when I am afraid.......fleeting moments because almost immediately my gaze is brought back to my Heavenly Father who holds the whole world in His hands.
Another few verse's come to mind....
Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.(Matthew 10:29-31)NKJV

The verse at the beginning is not the only one in the Bible encouraging us to not be afraid....nope, telling us to not be afraid.
There is verse after verse after verse after ver......and I could go on. Are we getting it then. It must be super important if God felt it necessary to repeat himself soooo many times. Here are just a few more.
Do not be afraid, little flock.....(Luke 12:32)NIV
Do not tremble; do not be afraid....(Isaiah 44:8)NIV
....he will calm all your fears....(Zephaniah 3:17)NIV
....I will fear no evil,  for you are with me....(Psalm 23:4)NIV
.....So don’t be troubled or afraid.(John 14:27)NIV
This is my command—be strong and courageous.....(Joshua 1:9)NIV    And I will end on this one because now He is commanding us.....well actually He was commanding Joshua but isn't that command for all of us too?! Yup, yup it is :)
When troubles come, and they will, don't let them shake you! Plant your feet on a firm foundation and hold fast to the creator of all things, the lover of all things, the healer of all things, the giver of all things.
He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.(Isaiah 33:6)NIV

God Has Not Given You A Spirit Of Fear!!!
Xo TinaMarie

Our Style

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#100 Dreams.

 #1: Travel the world
#2: Build a cabin or retreat centre
#13: Establish a scholarship fund
#32: Witness healing (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
#47: Write a song
#50: Own my own business (photography)
#58: Be the author at my own book-signing event!
#76: Ride in a helium balloon and helicopter
#89: Seizure free forever!

I’ve always loved to dream; yet I didn’t always believe.

For example, I’ve always had a dream to write.  Hence, I’d spend hours crafting my essays because countless teachers pleasantly informed me, “you’re an awful writer.” I don’t know what was worse: those words or the low score in red ink? I’d return home and my mom would gently remind me, “Charlene, see beauty in broken dreams…” Not necessarily what you want to hear post your dream to write is verbally and visually shattered. Ironically, a college professor approached me with tears in his eyes post reading an essay I wrote and boldly blurted, “Charlene you NEED to write…”

Have you ever considered your NEED to dream?  Truthfully, my favorite question to ask is: what’s your dream(s)? Because I believe that dreams are those deep, really deep, unspoken desires that you sadly keep hidden.

I put my dream of writing on hold for a specific season. In that period of time, God softened me and I came to accept that specific dreams would come true in his perfect timing. I had to stop orchestrating or even dictating my time on earth, which broke off my desire to control or perfect the outcome of my dreams. Instead, God reminded me that fear was standing in the way of me walking into the fullness of my dreams. He told me time and time again, “Oh Charlene, don’t be afraid! Dream big!”

A friend once told me, “Charlene, write a list of one hundred dreams!” I quickly interupted in a sarcastic tone, “I don’t write lists, anymore.” He continued, “Write a list of twenty-five dreams, another twenty-five dreams, and than another twenty-five dreams. Finally, write twenty-five dreams that are only possible with God. ” I drove home and attempted to generate such a list. Honestly, I mumbled, “this is silly…I can’t do this…its impossible!” Ironically, wasn’t that the point?

To dream the impossible…

A few days later he reminded me with such wisdom, “Charlene, writing things down gives words power. There is power in your dreams!” Those specific words granted me the ability to believe again.

Surprise, I jotted down over one hundred dreams!

Could you write such a list of dreams?

I want to challenge you to repeat this exercise of listing your dreams. May your dreams hold power and believe that God will make even the impossible dreams truly possible!

So, dream big…


#100: Dream the impossible is possible with God!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

All Things All Things

I don't believe that life should be a struggle.
"Excuse me, seriously, what did you just say!?!" But let me explain....
I know we all go through struggles, difficulties and hard times, those are unavoidable, but I believe, with ever fiber of my being, they can be amazing times.
Why do I believe this......because I have lived it, I have experienced it.
God has carried me and my family through hard times and life has felt/been easy.
 I believe that through God all things are possible, all things are Joyful, all things are peaceful....all things all things :)
My life started with what some would believe to have been a hard start.....I was born to a woman who would not be my mom. I was adopted at 3 weeks and grafted into a new family tree. The family that God chose for me. The rest of my childhood/adolescence was completely blessed. Never did it bother me that I was adopted, in fact, the thought barely crossed my mind. I was as much a part of this family as any baby born into another. I grew up surrounded by love, joy, hope and a relationship with my heavenly father. My teen years, early twenties, late twenties and even into my thirties stays the same course....I have lived a blessed life.
God turns sadness into joy, mourning into laughter....he allows things to happen in our lives that mold and shape us....he refines us but those things don't have to be hard. He is the giver of all good things and what I've learned is the importance of letting go. Letting go of control, letting go of family, letting go of one's self.
I have come to a point in my life where everything that I am and everything that I have belongs to the Lord. My life is in the best hands and I know it.
Why would I try to hold it all together on my own when there is someone who does it so perfectly. He knows what is the best for me and come what may I will trust in him, he has never failed me before.
                                                                                                   Xo TinaMarie

Thursday, December 12, 2013

You Are Worthy


I’ve thought about you for a while. Truthfully, I think about you all the time.  There is something very specific that you need to know. I’ve mentioned it before, yet I don’t think you’ve listened or understood.

Ironically, a man told me that I am wrong.

In response, I am going to fight for what I believe to be true.

The truth is: YOU are WORTHY!

Did you hear me?

You, the girl who sits across from me at Starbucks and asks, “How does he know that I like or even love him?”

You, the girl who met me and softly stammered, “I just need a hug.”

You, the girl who questioned me so boldly, “Does you’re past define you, even your tainted virginity?

You, the girl that is rushing to “be” someone and I’ve tenderly whispered,  “Stop and just rest.”

You, the girl that I’ve challenged time and time again, “use your words!”

You, the girl who keeps looking in the mirror and says, “I ain’t worthy…I am ugly.”


Because each one of you are worthy of such things:

·      Your worthy of acceptance and love
·      Your worthy of peace and intimacy
·      Your worthy of purity and hope
·      Your worthy of rest and grace
·      Your worthy of honesty and respect
·      Your worthy of and beauty and truth

I love how Jon Schmidt highlights his daughter in this beautifully composed song. May you listen and know that your Heavenly Father is stating the exact same thing, “I tried to extend that moment…”


Your Heavenly Father just wants to extend a moment with you, so He can expand on how you are WORTHY in his presence.

Ask him today, "God, how am I worthy?" 

From my heart to yours,

P.S. If any guys are reading this: can you promise me one thing? Please ensure that the women (mother, daughter, sister, grandmother, friend, girlfriend, fiancée, or wife) in your life are aware of this simple truth: You are WORTHY!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be?

It's those simple moments in life that I cherish beyond words. Probably why I love photography, as each photo captures an unexplainable moment.

A moment of joy.
A moment of victory.
A moment of surprise!

Today, I had one of those moments.

I recall as a little girl being apart of set design, stage construction, and costume fabrication. My dad would always ask in a Shakespeare like tone,  "Charlene, to be or not to be?"

Be an actor.
Be a dreamer.
Be an adventitious spirit.

He’d softly whisper in my ear, “be such things my child...just BE!” And like any young child, I just wanted to BE like my dad.

Post his accident, I recall that life changed significantly due to the tragedy. Consequently, it tainted my dream to be like him.

I've always been told when I am on stage, "Charlene your just like your come alive!"

Today, I came alive once again and restored a dream once broken. If my father had been sitting in the audience, I can assure you he'd be crying as any proud father would. Instead, I stepped off the stage and I cried. Because today, I chose to BE like my dad and fulfill a dream.

Furthermore, I have a Heavenly Father, who I know watched the pageant with such delight. God clearly asks that we BE like him. "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children" (Ephesians 5:1 ESV).  He designed us to display his very attributes, such as to love deeply, give generously, create passionately, and serve freely!

Restoration of a childhood dream is one of those unexplainable moments in life. Those simple moments where you have a choice: to be or not to be?

I chose to BE!

Be a dreamer.
Be a photographer.
Be a speaker.
Be a writer.
Be a friend.
Be a daughter.
Be a sister.
Be a wife and mother one day...

I can BE all these things, as I choose to imitate God.

What will you BE?


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

For Such A Time As This

For Such a Time As This
           I was asked recently to write a testimony for my Church newsletter, and while I have modified it a little bit, I decided that it was something that I wanted to share with you all...May you be blessed as you read. And may you all understand that every single one of us have a divine purpose given to us by God "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14).
“You call me out upon the waters

The great unknown where feet may fail

And there I find you in the mystery

In oceans deep

My faith will stand”

~Oceans (Where feet may fail) Hillsongs United~

            One of my most favorite Biblical hero’s has always been Queen Esther, for many reasons. The fact that she was both inwardly and outwardly beautiful but strong in faith and full of courage has always drawn me. Some of us are familiar with the story of Queen Esther. How Esther, a young Jewish girl won the hearts of all whom she encountered including King Xerxes. How she was named Queen after the previous queen was stripped of her royalty. And how her faith in the Almighty God and her courage saved the Jewish nation from an evil plot of genocide at the hands of King Xerxes second in command, Hamon. I sometimes wonder about the rest of Esther’s story that we don’t know about. The story of her life and the circumstances that she faced that formed this courageous and selfless Queen that we read about today. You see, we all have a story. Our lives today are a product of situations, circumstances, and decisions made that mould us into the people we are today.

            There have been specific moments and situations that I can directly pinpoint throughout my life that have led me to the place in my life journey that I am today. As a child, I was raised to know and love Jesus as my personal Savior.  But as we grow up, God places situations and circumstances in our lives that will test our faith and separate our faith from that of our parents and family. Situations that test what YOUR faith is made of.

            Just over three years ago, I had come home to my parents to stay. I was off work for an extended period because of a sickness in my body. My husband was out of town on a short holiday with some friends, and my mom was away visiting her family in Ontario. So for a few days it was just me and my dad. Situations had arisen in my life that were causing me pain and testing my faith. One night my dad and I decided to take our family dog out for a walk. As we walked I began to share my heart with my dad. I was confused with where God was leading my husband and me, and trying to trust God with all the unknowns that we faced. My dad said something to me that night that I will never forget. He looked me right in my eyes and said to me, “Ashley, you trust God no matter what. No matter what comes your way, you trust God, even if it kills you, you keep trusting God. Because in the end trusting God is all that matters”. I wonder if my dad knew the impact that these words would have on my life. Or the fact that he was speaking into the days ahead that I would face. These words changed my life. Perhaps more so know as I reflect on my life, then the moment my dad spoke them over me.

Queen Esther knew about this kind of faith that my dad was talking about. That is why she inspires me so much. In Esther 4:12-15, Esther’s father figure Mordecai challenged her in the same way. Mordecai said to Esther “Do not think that because you are in the Kings house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to a royal position for such a time as this” (NIV). Esther’s response is what stirs my heart. She says in return to Mordecai “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish” (v.16). Queen Esther was willing to give her life in attempt to save her people and to fulfill God’s plan and calling for her life. She would do what was right and leave the consequences with God. Esther would rather die, if need be, doing what was right than remain silent in fear. This is the type of courage and faith I strive to attain, and this is the depth of courage and faith that dad was speaking into my life. It was this courage and faith that became vital for me, as I sat beside my husband’s ICU bed short months later, completely broken, and trying to understand why God would lead us to these circumstances in our lives.
          There is one more reason that I love the story of Esther so much. The story of Esther speaks of God’s faithfulness. In Dr. Larry Crabb’s book 66 Love Letters, it say this. “I (God) wrote Esther to let you see that everything that happens in time is under My control. I allow nothing to happen that I cannot use for the good of My plan. How I use everything is not always obvious. That I do use everything is certain. I hate much that I see, much of what goes on grieves and saddens Me and tries my patience, but I use everything to further My purpose. What I cannot use I do not permit” (p.78). The fact that God can use my days of brokenness, that the countless tears that have fallen from my eyes will be turned to great moments of rejoicing have made all that I have experienced and all that I will experience worth it. We don’t always understand why situations that we encounter are happening, but God has promised that if they are happening he will use them for his glory. My life moments happened for a purpose. My husband’s illness, the death of people I have loved more than life, even the illness of both of my parents. Through these, I have become who I am. Today I am much stronger in my faith in God than I was three years ago. Today I have the courage to follow the path that God is leading me on. Today I am able to share my story with others. And today, I am able to speak into the lives of young men and women and speak into fruition who God is calling them to be. Just as my dad did for me.
Maybe right now you are reading this and thinking to yourself, but you have no idea what I have gone through. You have no idea what people have spoken to me or done to me...Your right, I don't. I mostly likely have never experienced many of the things that you have. But I want you to know that through all of your experiences, through my experiences, we have never for one moment experienced them alone. The Bible says “it is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8). The Bible also tells us about God's unwavering and unequivocal love for us. Romans 8:37-39 says "No, in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, not any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord". No matter what we have faced, no matter how horrible or painful, the reality is that we are loved by our Heavenly Father beyond words, beyond the reality that we know.
           I want you to know, just as you are reading my testimony, that you have a testimony to share as well. Your life journey is probably different than mine, but the fact that God, through the situations and circumstances you have faced, is moulding you into the person He is calling you to be is truth. My challenge to you is to ask God how He desires to use you. Ask God how the situations and circumstances you have faced can be used to change the lives of others. I promise you He will answer…”But who knows, that you have come to this… position for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14, NIV).


I wanted to share with you one of my favorite songs that inspires me to be courageous, and to follow God's call on my life no matter where it leads me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Purity Is WORTH Fighting For!

I found myself once again struggling with temptations...
  • Tempted to be loved
  • Temptation to give love
  • Temptation to just surrender  

The temptation that so often lures so many of us in.....

This past year, I was labeled as Canada's most popular virgin post appearing on “The Bachelor Canada.” I have had several people email, or Facebook, or interview and stop me in the streets all to ask me two specific questions, "why and how?"

#1) Why?

Why have I chosen to remain a virgin until I get married?

No, it is not because I am a nun as people have commonly assumed. Furthermore, none of any of the following accusations are true: being a lesbian, fearful of commitment, or naive of the pleasures that come with physical intimacy.

Instead, it began with a choice.

A choice that I made in grade eight post summer camp. I was sitting at the campfire, as a young woman in her early twenties shared on "True Love Waits." She talked about the significance and importance to wait until you were married to have sex. I knew in that moment that God was asking me to be obedient and to trust that He has the best in store for my love life.  So I said, "YES" to waiting.

Purity does not come easy, but it begins with saying yes. Yes to making a choice and not wavering in your decision. For the bible assures us that we will be tempted many times in the area of sexuality. Therefore, making a firm decision creates a strong foundation to stand up when temptations come.

And the temptations did come. Never did I anticipate at the age of thirteen that I would have to fight to protect my purity.  I learnt this very quickly as I entered into my first dating relationship.

#2) How?

How am I twenty-seven years old and still a virgin?

Response, by fighting!

Let me explain.....

It is a battle to remain pure, whether in the stage of singleness, dating, courting, or marriage.  We live in a very sexually promiscuous, indulgent, self-satisfying, and lustful culture. Everyone has different views on what is permitted and not permitted to do before marriage. The value and significance of purity is viewed as old fashion and unrealistic, which are both lies. Purity grants protection, restoration and a hope for the future.

For me, I had to make a choice. I decided that purity is worth fighting for and it was not something I wanted to give up or give into. I have had to say no, fight back and defend my stance for purity in relationships and in society.

Has it always been easy?
Absolutely not!

Have I been tempted?
Yes, yes and yes again.

The bible explains that we all will be tempted, but it is how you respond to the temptations that matter.
 “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:12-15).

Take a moment to think.....

What is your response when you are tempted? Such as, tempted to look at pornography, to be sexual promiscuous, to find cheap love, or to look lustfully at someone else's spouse.

The bible continues to says, “do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:13-17).

God created sex as good gift! It’s a gift with grand purpose, more than just a feeling, selfish satisfaction or to procreate. Sex was created to bring two people together in unity and in oneness. The bible talks about a love that is worth waiting for. It is this type of love that should only be awakened until God’s perfect timing. I have learnt that following Jesus requires faith and to believe that God knows best about sex and relationships. I have chosen to believe and stand firm on Gods promises of blessing for those who live a pure life.

Purity is worth fighting for! It is worth the wait. God’s promises are true and will come to fulfillment.

Do you believe it?
What are you fighting for?
