Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Purity Is WORTH Fighting For!

I found myself once again struggling with temptations...
  • Tempted to be loved
  • Temptation to give love
  • Temptation to just surrender  

The temptation that so often lures so many of us in.....

This past year, I was labeled as Canada's most popular virgin post appearing on “The Bachelor Canada.” I have had several people email, or Facebook, or interview and stop me in the streets all to ask me two specific questions, "why and how?"

#1) Why?

Why have I chosen to remain a virgin until I get married?

No, it is not because I am a nun as people have commonly assumed. Furthermore, none of any of the following accusations are true: being a lesbian, fearful of commitment, or naive of the pleasures that come with physical intimacy.

Instead, it began with a choice.

A choice that I made in grade eight post summer camp. I was sitting at the campfire, as a young woman in her early twenties shared on "True Love Waits." She talked about the significance and importance to wait until you were married to have sex. I knew in that moment that God was asking me to be obedient and to trust that He has the best in store for my love life.  So I said, "YES" to waiting.

Purity does not come easy, but it begins with saying yes. Yes to making a choice and not wavering in your decision. For the bible assures us that we will be tempted many times in the area of sexuality. Therefore, making a firm decision creates a strong foundation to stand up when temptations come.

And the temptations did come. Never did I anticipate at the age of thirteen that I would have to fight to protect my purity.  I learnt this very quickly as I entered into my first dating relationship.

#2) How?

How am I twenty-seven years old and still a virgin?

Response, by fighting!

Let me explain.....

It is a battle to remain pure, whether in the stage of singleness, dating, courting, or marriage.  We live in a very sexually promiscuous, indulgent, self-satisfying, and lustful culture. Everyone has different views on what is permitted and not permitted to do before marriage. The value and significance of purity is viewed as old fashion and unrealistic, which are both lies. Purity grants protection, restoration and a hope for the future.

For me, I had to make a choice. I decided that purity is worth fighting for and it was not something I wanted to give up or give into. I have had to say no, fight back and defend my stance for purity in relationships and in society.

Has it always been easy?
Absolutely not!

Have I been tempted?
Yes, yes and yes again.

The bible explains that we all will be tempted, but it is how you respond to the temptations that matter.
 “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:12-15).

Take a moment to think.....

What is your response when you are tempted? Such as, tempted to look at pornography, to be sexual promiscuous, to find cheap love, or to look lustfully at someone else's spouse.

The bible continues to says, “do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:13-17).

God created sex as good gift! It’s a gift with grand purpose, more than just a feeling, selfish satisfaction or to procreate. Sex was created to bring two people together in unity and in oneness. The bible talks about a love that is worth waiting for. It is this type of love that should only be awakened until God’s perfect timing. I have learnt that following Jesus requires faith and to believe that God knows best about sex and relationships. I have chosen to believe and stand firm on Gods promises of blessing for those who live a pure life.

Purity is worth fighting for! It is worth the wait. God’s promises are true and will come to fulfillment.

Do you believe it?
What are you fighting for?


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